Heal Of Codependency Before It Eats Your Brain

 Lets talk about Codependency. It basically means emotional dependence.
 your moods and feelings are dependent on how others feel about you.
It’s the deep, core issue behind neediness, lt makes you want to please every one and that can make you loose self respect .

You lose your mystery, your awesomeness, your challenging traits.
You become a pushover. You’re not happy unless you got love or praises from others. Its bad because you are dependant on people feel about you.
 It’s the belief that you’re just not good enough without the love and fulfilment from others. 

Codependency at it’s root is also a fear of abandonment. Unfortunately so many factors has made our Teenagers codependent, they believe that the higher the likes on Facebook the higher their value, the bigger their circle the more relevant they are.

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The time they need ALONE to discover and to grow themselves they loose it because they are focused on a relationship that is assumed to give them value, this of course makes them to loose the most vital and emotional free moment of their life.
 Teenagers need to realise that if they don't want to make costly mistakes they need to spend time discovering who they are and what they are here on earth to do and they must do this ALONE not being attached to some people or attached with someone in an unwholesome relationship.
What actually causes identity crises to me is not taking time to figure out who you are.
Teens and youths do a whole lot of things like drug, alcohol,sex and engage in so many activities just to feel strong or to be noticed.
 You are enough, all that you need to succeed in life is right within you waiting to be explored.
 You don't just know how beautiful you are
 You don't know how much you know.
You just don't realise the potential you have Most times when we fail, struggle, or face obstacles, it can make us feel we are not enough.
Surely we must somehow be inadequate or this wouldn't be happening. If only we could be stronger, do more, get better, then things would be okay. We would be okay. 
Approve your self, Develop your self, love your self.

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