How Wise minds Manage Emotions - Royal Queen

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Stories about wives killing husbands, husbands killing their wives and children, Teenagers killing fellow teens over an argument, people expressing love the wrong way, malice/grudge and fear are all fuelled or propelled by emotions but does that make emotions bad? No!
What is bad is that you allowed it to cloud your sense of reasoning, the fact that you felt the way you did does not mean you should do or be a victim of your feelings. 
The mind constantly needs to be trained, and by so doing our emotions align with what the mind has been taught. And hear this...Training of the mind should be continuous, the day you stop is the day it starts to play tricks on you. 
We hear stories about old men raping toddlers or  teens and when they are caught they blame the devil, but its no devil it is the uncultured mind. It happened because their minds were fallow. 
The earlier we educate or teens on what Emotions are and the proper way of expressing it, the better they will become.
 When we manage emotions poorly we give room to so many diseases, we suffer trauma and also hurt others.
We ought to have proper understanding of what this is, how it works and that it cannot always be trusted.
Emotions or feelings are there to serve a purpose. Be it anger, fear, love excitement, etc. 
 Emotions can play an important role in how we think and behave. 
The emotions we feel each day can compel us to take action and influence the decisions we make about our lives, both large and small. In order to truly understand emotions, it is important to understand the three critical components of an emotion.
 Our emotions are composed of a subjective component (how we experience the emotion), a physiological component (how our bodies react to the emotion), and an expressive component (how we behave in response to the emotion).
 These different elements can play a role in the function and purpose of our emotional responses.

 If faced with a tiger, it's healthy to have fear so strong than to sit around and play it down because it's  a threatening situation, the fear propels us to take actions.
 We developed an emotional system because it could induce quick responses to danger As you have learned, our emotions serve a wide variety of purposes. Emotions can be fleeting, persistent, powerful, complex, and even life-changing. 
They can motivate us to act in particular ways and give us the tools and resources we need to interact meaningfully in our social worlds.
Training the mind
 The mind is like that little child that needs to be trained, that needs the right information, that needs to be corrected. When it starts pulling you to feel or react in a certain way.
Do not fight it. Did you hear me? Do not fight it. Thank it because it's only doing it's job, and the fact you realised  is a plus.
Its not a good thing if we do not have the ability to understand our feelings.
 The next step is to ask yourself why do i feel this way? If you do not have the answer, that okay. 
It will be unveiled, just do not push too hard. But when what you are thinking is destructive realise that you are not alone and that there is someone out there that can help you out.
Lets take a few example of how to get our emotions align with our trained mind.

For instance you meet an unfriendly girl and she always attacks you at every opportunity, the first thing that comes whenever you see her is anger or irritation, but you don't need to go with the flow each time the girl comes around. Here you need to train your mind. Your mind remembered your last experience and it also remembers that it was not a pleasant experience, so it is just
preparing you to take action, to defend yourself, you know why? Because it cant really differentiate which is life threatening and which is not.

Now this is what to tell the mind; oh yes i remember the last time I was around this girl she was so annoying, but that might be as a result of what she has been through, her environment or better still her way of defending her self. So we are not going to be mad at her, we will show positive emotions because if indeed she knows better she will act better.

 Another example like the first is when we are faced with peer pressure, we don't need to go with the flow of fear, excitement (of what we stand to gain) pain (because someone looked down on us)
We need to teach our mind to evaluate things, we need to tell the mind; Hey I know you feel excited or belittled about these whole thing but is that the best for me? 
If you don't understand what the issue is about go make research or get a wise person to mentor or advice you adequately. 
 Have what is called "wise mind" and this is when we're able to step back from emotion and reason with it. 
Wise mind is where logic meets with emotion, The wise mind puts emotion and reason in conversation, or uses reason to calm emotion down. You See you don't need to poison, stab or write people off because we feel like it, that is not the reason that emotion is there...its been given to you to thrive, avoid danger, make decisions, understand others and have others understand you. 

I will like to sign out with this and I hope you never forget ; As a teenager when ever you make a mistake don't stay there, get up as fast as you can and thrive to be the best you can possibly be.


  1. Just went through this some moments ago and emerged victorious. (would need to ask or bribe me to tell the tale).
    Minds really is the powerful "transmission" assistant to the brain. If not controlled can lead to series of untold and irrepressible encounters like a series of fallen placque of cards.

    The victory of it is indescribably refreshing.

    1. Oh Anthony, I'm glad it was indeed refreshing. Thank you for this amazing contribution!
