Some excesses that corrupts our Christian worship

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Please I’m not writing this to point fingers, I write this based on observation and experience and a pure desire for it to be looked into;
I went to a church some years ago...and the gathering was taking a bit longer than it should.
And for whatever reason, a young lady, who I later realized was a worker in that church, stood up and was about leaving, the pastor called her back and said all sort of things, while still at the altar, she came back with her head low, obviously ashamed. The pastor said something like "where are you rushing to? You might not even have food in your pot.
I was shocked but what can I do?
Remember what I said earlier, I do not write this to judge. And remember God is the judge. They both know why they acted the way they did.
But I speak about it because I think pastors need to know that the way they handle some issue could be a turnoff to people that are not strong in the faith... correction should be with love
Most people no longer take going to church so serious because they feel the church is now a 'man's property or family investment' because of the way things are handled...'Sometimes in some churches'.
I asked a young man why he always drag his feet when it comes to attending church service every Sunday?
He said the day I walk into a church and money issue is not 'over emphasized' I will look deeply to find if other things are done right in that church, if it is, to a reasonable extent, I will be a very big part of that church" I was shocked and curious, I wanted him to explain further he continued;
"every church you attend this days, the way they talk about the need for money and why you should sow seeds is alarming. They lay too much emphasis, they flog it and over flog it, they make you so uncomfortable with it. They forget that the world is full of needs and worries and when you run into a church for fresh air, they still rub the need for money on you, they coarse you with stories and so many reasons why it is important like their ministry depended on it.
Why then did you run to church? He asked me, if not to have peace?"
Still in shocked by what he was saying, I try to argue a little by telling him that the church does not force anyone to pay money or give money, he smiled and "said it might not be a physical coercion but most time it is mental coercion"
I can never be against giving men that has worked or is working hard in ministry, remember the scripture said,
Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treaded out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.1tim 5:18
But the point I'm trying to make is that money is a sensitive matter and we should handle it carefully so that it does not make people stumble or grumble
All things must be done moderately; too much of everything is bad, while he was still speaking;
I had a flash back of a church I went to, and a guest pastor gave a fantastic sermon on giving to the man of God Who also was the host. He gave so many examples of how his giving to his spiritual father has blessed him tremendously. He concluded by asking the congregation to sow a seed. He said he want to pray for just 10 people that will give #100k (approx. 350 dollars) then… still on that, he came up with so many success stories and how he has given his all to still get all, before you know what was happening 12 people came out.
Later he  asked that 15 People come out because he wants the blessing to get to everyone and he will pray and concluded the service but he continued in that manner until he got to people that has 5000 naira... and even below;
Please the point I'm trying to make is this; the discomfort was obvious to some people especially some core members and workers because to them it's time to know financial capacities. I walk out of the church for some fresh air, I saw a man an usher sitting outside and I think he may have stepped out because inside the church maybe a bit uncomfortable for him.
The pressure was so much and remember he said he just wanted ten people to come out initially but he continued until he had almost everyone donate.
I'm not against blessing the man that has been a blessing to you, even the Bible encourages that we bless them, but what I'm not comfortable with is the excessive emphasis, and the public display. It often turns people off especially people who are not financially stable.
Self-glorification is another factor we need to look into when preaching. There are things that are necessary and things that are not necessary to be talked about while ministering. That includes excess emphasis about your trip to Dubai, your luxury life style and accomplishments, how beautiful your wife is, how you get the best things of life and on and on. A Nigerian pastor that was based abroad, came to a local church I worship with many years ago. He was served water while he was ministering, but he turned it down saying that they need to get him juice because abroad people prefer juice to water. Now his demand is not bad but what I find not necessary is the statement that followed.
It's quiet unfortunate that sometimes about 80% of the sermon by some pastors often revolves around personality boost, the speaker trying to tell you what they want you to know about them ...that you don't know yet ... About their luxury life style.
Some pastors when teaching end up using most of the time telling stories of their life and all they have achieved in ministry, the signs and wonders they have done etc.
Now the question is? IS THAT THE GOSPEL?
The problem is not even talking about it, because it can be a way to share the testimony but the way it is said...Sometimes you sense a little pride in it (Like you need to hear this because I'm truly a man of God or truly called) Remember no one was called specially…as believers we have all been called! Go ye into the world and preach! was not for some people…
Let’s move on, even Jesus did not broadcast the signs and wonders he performed or has done. People that witnessed did the broadcast.  If ever he did, …/it was not in a 'humble brag' mode. Certainly it was not the primary and most important thing he came to do, even though he has all the right to claim all glory, because he is God. I remember he even told most of the people he healed to keep their mouth shut and just give glory to God!  He was so focused trying to do the work the father sent him to do.
'Iron sharpens iron' not ' iron sharpens wood'
We all must understand this, we all have been called into ministry, but it surprising how people just come to church, listen to sermons, depend on all that they were told without trying to study on their own to be sure of the truth.
They are so ignorant that they don't even know when a pastor speaks based on emotion and when the pastor is saying the right thing. 

Those pastors know that most are ignorant and they use it as a yard stick. In fact, it will make sense if some service is made interactive. This will help everyone brace up and not just look up to the pastor alone for spiritual food. You must build up your spirituality. 
We all must brace up in our service to God Almighty. Church service must take its rightful form, which is "the gathering of like minds who share same faith and believe”. It must not always be "a lecturer and tudents’ relationship", the scriptures said 'iron sharpens iron' ... It is not a matter of 'iron sharpens woods'. We must all grow in knowledge of truth, living a Christ-like way, encouraging each other and staying connected to God through Jesus Christ and not through pastor or anyone.
Think about this; If one Sunday your pastor walks into the church, picks up the microphone and tell the congregation that he has denounce the faith or that God does not exist, what will you do?
Will your own faith be shattered?
We are all sons of the Father (Almighty God) and have been commissioned to reign as kings and priests. We must all show support and respect to those taking the lead as we all channel our worshiped solely to our Creator.
Another point I will like them to look into is the teachings on obedience. It shouldn't be twisted for personal benefits.
In my university days I was with a church, a good one, but I noticed that the teachings at the time revolves mostly around 'spiritual father' and obedience.
And how it’s very important to respect, honour, and how absolute Loyalty should be given to them, don't get this twisted. They are right in most of the things they said and it was even backed with scriptures. 
At that time, I noticed that it was becoming a bit personal, in a church a young pastor looks out for some loyal members they become their 'spiritual father' builds a relationship and with them, the next thing you hear is 'my daughter in the Lord   'send me recharge card' my daughter buy me this buy me that and even send money. They use the teachings on ‘Obedience to spiritual authority’ to turn people ZOMBIES

Before I forget let me share this one, some years ago there was a meeting we were supposed to attend in Enugu, it requires the whole church in different states to converge and worship God in that state. So the morning to the program, I with some other church members went to the pastor’s quarter. It happened that someone gave the pastor a life chicken, when we were about leaving, he said " We will all be going to Enugu, and this chicken will die by the time the program ends" I was shocked when he gave me the chicken to me to take to my house, kill, prepare and bring it along when coming to the program.
Oh goodness! I have always been scared of life chicken( SMILES) I have never in my life killed a life chicken, I was so confused. I was short of words because I was very young, I was thinking of the right thing to say or do?
But the fact that loyalty and obedience has been taught so hard, I was compelled to obey because of the teaching I've heard over time. But the truth is that I was not at peace with the whole idea, I was sad, very sad and besides I have a journey to prepare for.
I know so many people can relate to this;
A young told a heart-breaking story of how she was disgraced by her pastor some time ago. They were told to stay in church until the pastor returns, from a journey, according to them he was supposed to fly in within 30minutes and needs to pass an important information to them directly.

But this young girl was menstruating, she waited and waited, 30 minutes became 1hr, 1hr became 2hrs, now she need to make a decision to leave because if she does not leave... she will stain the chair she was sitting. She gently left the church, went home to shower, when the pastor got back, he asked about the girl, when he was told she left, the pastor got so furious that he asked his wife to send for the young lady.
She said when I got the call I was very scared, because she suspects the man is not happy with her. She got to the church that night and with the microphone in the pastor's hand and with everyone watching. He told the girl all sort of things. That she is rebellious and all without asking the girl to explain why she had to leave when he had asked everyone to wait. The girl’s eyes were filled with tears. How can she defend herself? What will she say when everyone was just watching the drama?
Would she have told the pastor that she was menstruating and that her skirt was even stained? She does not even have the courage to do that.
Pastors should really take time to emulate their Master 'Jesus'
He loved and respected women, remember the story of Mary Magdalene, Martha etc. the subtle way he talks to them, the way he corrects them. He was not interested in giving them task that is higher than them.
Let’s exhibit humility like Jesus. It was his right to show himself and even get everyone to lick his feet, because he is God. But he never did all that, Instead
He washed the feet of his disciples; please I'm not referring to religious duties that some churches practice, I mean humility from the heart, how many pastors are truly humble and can serve their followers in such a manner.
Jesus said he came to serve, but some pastors this days are served.
Most of the time it’s  not 'servant leader' relationship, It's 'boss pastor' relationship, church now is a legacy, an investment for financial wealth etc.
There are some things they can't do, because they are boss leaders not servant leaders.
It's very rare to see a man that imitate Jesus just the way he lived and the examples he set.
And to followers ' The Bible said you have been made priests and kings' but how can you function in this high offices if you don't study' If you rely on a man to go study and download it into you??
What a generation!!
No wonder when you hear that a pastor has gone astray or has fallen into sexual sin, it affects your life as a Christian
This write-up is a wake-up call to all of us...Jesus is the only way the truth and life. We must understand this at least it will help our personal walk with God.
We don’t have to approach Christianity as a doctor-patient relationship
It should be symbiotic not parasitic
For our pastors we just need to Support, Respect, hold them in high esteem and most importantly Pray for them
Remember that if you are born again filled with the Holy spirit you will not be reminded to give when you should, He ministers to you! You don't need to be preached to before you give. Let US rise up and be matured in Christ.
My people perish for lack of knowledge may it never be your portion! Amen
Stay blessed, emulate Jesus.
Now scroll up and read the first 2 lines... (Smiles)

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