Internet nudity becoming a trend?

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Now read a story someone sent to me on this regard, it's long but it's worth reading;
I became addicted to my smartphone and also my social media applications, and since I had constant access, I quickly gained enough followers, and especially guys, mostly because I had a lot of erotic pictures on my timeline. I was popular. Finally, I felt I was the main girl. Everyone wanted to follow me. I didn’t care if it was virtual. It felt good, checking out my profile and having well over 8,000 followers, more than half of which were guys, but one particular guy caught my attention.

Till this day, I don’t know what made him stand out, but we got chatty. He sent me direct messages
and I replied. He was quite a gentleman, and I can’t remember him ever asking for nude pictures unlike the rest of them. So this made me comfortable with him. His name was Tobi. He said he was a doctor. I didn’t have any cause to doubt him. He had extensive knowledge and even gave me some medical advice from time to time. We eventually moved from twitter to blackberry chat; we chatted all the time. I got so comfortable with him. I gave him my number, and that would come to be the biggest mistake I ever made.
Tobi called me every day. Some days, he called more than once. At night he would call and I would lay on my bed and have phone sex with him. His voice was so soothing. He made me do things I never thought possible. He had gained so much access into my head. I realized later I had done some very sick and twisted things just to please him. I would take nude pictures of myself. I would send him
videos of me touching myself in private, and send him voice notes of me making moaning sounds and simulating orgasms, and all this while we had not met, not face to face at least.
Eventually I played into his hands. I began pestering to meet him in person. At this point I had lost my mind. I assumed I was in love with him, and when my boyfriend at the time broke up with me, I really welcomed it, for me it meant no more sneaking around.
Tobi eventually agreed to come to Lagos to meet me, all this while he had made me to believe he was in Calabar, and would take time off work to spend a weekend with me in Lagos. When I heard this, I was excited. He told me to book a reservation for him, stating he would pay me back as soon as he arrived and also he said it would make him more committed to the visit and would convince him of my seriousness. I bought it all.
He was smart. He was cunning, and I was stupid! Oh how stupid I was. The funny thing was I had sent him tons of pictures, and all I had was just one picture of him, and whenever I asked,
he would claim he wanted to be sure I loved him for him, and not for his looks, and sheepishly I would try to convince him of my undying love, and would try to appease him with nude pictures of my body.
He eventually made it to Lagos. I met him at the hotel. He was tall, handsome and had a wonderful smile. He made love to me over and over, and convinced me to spend the night with him. I told him I couldn’t, because I had a test the next morning.
Now at this point, I don’t know what triggered his anger; don’t know if it was because I couldn’t spend the night, or maybe I said something else I can’t remember saying, but whatever it was, brought out a very ugly side of him.  He called me foul names, and kept going on and on about how he always knew I was cheap, and he knew I was sleeping with other men. The same man whom had swept me away,
slammed me on the floor. He told me of how he had shown his friends all my nude pictures and how they had watched the videos and listened to the voice notes, he told me he had made a bet with his friends, that I
would actually pay for him to have sex with me, just to prove how stupid I was. Well you can imagine how I felt. I was confused and shocked, but I attempted to regain any little dignity I had left, and so I tried to mouth off at him. Suddenly he punched me in the face, and I tripped
over, and hit my head on a stool.
The next thing I remembered was waking up on the bed. I was tied up, and he was staring at me.  His eyes were dark and he had a sinister smile on his lips.  He stood up and walked towards me. I tried to scream and realized my mouth was tapped. My head was racing. The unfortunate part was that no one knew where I was. He turned me over, and told me he was going to teach me a lesson. At this point I was naked.  He raped me from behind, and I mean my anus. The pain was mind blowing. I struggled, and he hit me. When he was done, he brought out a small blade, and he looked at me for a minute and said, this scare is going to always serve as a reminder, for girls like you always trying to be more than you are; for stupid fools like you. He put the blade to my nipple and cut it off, and anytime I think of it, I still feel the pain.
It was like nothing I had ever felt before. He was calm, like he had done it a million times. I could feel the warm blood dripping down my mutilated breast.  Tears of fear and pain running down my face, and suddenly he turned around again, this time all I saw was a flash.
I don’t know how I survived it, but I woke up in a hospital days after.  Well I was awake, but my eyes were swollen shut.
It took a couple of days for me to open my one good eye, and realize the damage he had done, he had plucked out my eye, and cut my face.
He had cut my breasts up real bad, they had to cut it out, like I had cancer or something.
There was no record of who I was, cos he had taken everything. He had taken my bag, containing everything I had.
I was able to tell the nurses about what I could remember, and also give them my mum’s phone number.
The hospital felt so much pity. They actually treated me for free. Hard to believe right?
Anyway I was taken home after weeks at the hospital to recuperate. It was tough!
I was blind in one eye. I had
one breast and a hideous scar of my face. Talk about your signage, he did a number on me.
How dumb was I! sometimes I wish he had killed me, because there are fates worse than death, and I guess this is one of them. He was gone without a trace. The receipt from the hotel was in my name, so yes he had played me from the start.
I didn’t dare go back to school. I was sure everyone would have heard, and I was not going to become a statistic, so I decided to stay home, and mind my business, besides what do I need an education for?  I’d rather stay home, because there is no rising from this.
There is no happy ending to this story. This is the simple ending:
I was a victim of a sexual predator, and I let him into my life, period! And I take full responsibility for that. I was driven by greed and lack of morals. I allowed myself fall into an abyss, but well saying all this doesn’t change anything.

It’s a memory I will have to live with for the rest of my life. Well not a memory, because I look at myself in the mirror everyday.
Who would want to see a nude picture of a woman with one breast, one eye, and a stab. what a story!

Internet nudity is becoming a 'craze' because most teenagers, adults get involve each day .
What is Sexting ? (or "sex texting") its the sending or receiving of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive images, messages, or video via a cellphone or the Internet.
There are so many reasons why people get involved in this; it could be out of Curiosity, as a Joke, to show of nice body, or boredom, seeking attention, pressure

To seek for Attention: So many teenagers fall for this because, as they grow mature, so many things excites them, things like how they look, of course every teen is like a 'pumpkin' they draw some kind of attention, and they know it. They fall so easily for what they want to hear.
They want the attention so they easily fall prey to this, 
Its heartbreaking that most have lost  self-worth for instantaneous approval and attention. Everything from breakfast to our bodies has become fodder for social media.

Pressure: A young lady met a young man online, who promised to marry her , she was so excited about the whole thing but since they man was in another country he demanded she send him explicit images of herself, when she refused, they young man threatened to end the relationship...So she was forced to give in. Some Others don't want to be called naive, so they also give in to the pressure.
Some even send because someone has already sent them an explicit photo and they feel pressured to ‘return the so called favor.’

Another reason people get involved is because they believe everyone is doing it: For the fact that something is popular does not make it a good thing.
Some also get involved to explore other means of sexual gratification.
Most married men fall for this because they believe it's not going to hurt anyone, it's just a photo, no physical contact. No one will get pregnant, No STD's
But I say this Fact: Sexting between an adult who is married and another married adult or an unmarried adult is a proven pathway to infidelity
Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.
What ever the reason, it's bad and it will be disappointing to fall prey to it.
As a Christian we were told not to look lustfully so this one to me is even a step higher than the previous.
“Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you, . . . neither shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting.”—Ephesians 5:3, 4.
“Deaden . . . your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness.”—Colossians 3:5.
“Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of.”—2 Timothy 2:15.

Sexting fuels improper sexual desires
It makes you disgusted with self, because the truth is that if you loves integrity and does not want anything haunting you its better not to get involved.

 What kind of Digital footprint do you want to leave?
You might have a nude photo of your self but once it's out of your hands you can no longer control it. And this can lead to humiliation, depression and even death, we have heard about some men of integrity that commits suicide because they couldn't stand the shame of involving in the act.
If this is a trend, it advisable to stay clear and safe.

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