All you need to know about humility

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Humility is deeper than we think. 
Humility is a wonderful virtue that produces other virtues
It's indeed the root of all virtues. I believe most people struggled with this virtue just the way I did. It's easier to say I'm humble than to be truly humble in action.

Humility is “a personal quality in which an individual shows dependence on God and respect for other persons”.
It means to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but considering others first.
The first time I read this, I really struggled with it, in fact It was almost getting frustrating because I see pride boldly in my actions. But I knew I have the ability to be truly humble I just need to work it out.
But notice the definitions says "consider, regard, esteem” it didn't say " feel” 
this means regular practice and reminder makes the exercise genuinely part of you.
When we esteem others better, we are naturally drawn to them, we listen, understand their needs and concerns
Look at it this way;
If I am considering you above me, and you are considering me above you, a This  happens: we will  have a society  where everyone is looked up to, and no one is looked down on.
God hate pride so much, and the mere thought of it should bring about the desire to change. Pride is a deadly sin, pride is the reason why there is a "devil" It caused the brightest angel in God’s heaven to lose his station and be cast out. It cost Adam and Eve not only their relationship with God, which was changed forever, but the beautiful garden they lived in.
Pride is the reason why marriages pack up, because couples fight each other, compete with each other this is the major reason they find it difficult to apologise, or to accept apologies.
Pride is a prison that perpetuates anger, hurt, and foolishness while keeping at bay the restorative effects of conviction, humility, and reconciliation
The outgrowth of this sin incites greed. Greed and the quest for power ignite wars.  This sin is a causal factor why the world is the way it is.
Pride makes you distance yourself from people, because you don't want to be insulted, it makes you envious because you think others don't deserve the good things that happen to them and how it should have been you because you feel you are better, it makes you desire to be the one to be seen, Pride makes you hunger and crave so much for respect, honour, recognition.  And that is exactly what humility is not.
One cannot be humble and aware of oneself at the same time.
 Nowadays, social media seems like a big part of our life.  One may put on an outward show of humility but still have a heart full of pride and arrogance. 
But take note, being humble does not mean making oneself a door mat, humility does not mean disrespect of oneself, low self-esteem...It's not thinking less of yourself but it's thinking of yourself less. It's simply selflessness!
Humility is not a weakness but a great strength. It's far easier to be proud but it takes lots of maturity and courage to be humble.
Humility is the greatest war tool because the enemy does not have it.
A humble person has a tender conscience and is quick to repent.
Some Benefits of Humility
1. It puts you in position: A humble person is always exalted, but a proud person is disgraced.
2. Makes you attractive: No matter how cute, intelligent, wealthy you are, if you are a braggart, arrogant and selfish, it's a turnoff.
3. Honours you: you earn honour and respect

4. A humble person is a true leader. Anyone can be a leader, but who can be a true leader?  The biggest difference between a prideful leader and a humble leader is this: the prideful man isn’t a leader; he is a boss. A boss is someone who makes others do something he would never do. 

But, the leader does everything with those who follow him, never asking them to do something he would not. Doing the hard things with those who do hard things is the hallmark of a true leader. A leader who is truly humble treats everyone with respect. How a leader treats people is the quickest way to find out their level of humility.
It makes you selfless: Service to others is what is most important to a humble soul, he doesn't think so highly of himself. They Seek to win people not argument
5. They have a forgiving heart: They are always sober, realising  that God gives it freely, who are they to hold on to resentment. They Leave the judgement of people in God's hands
They are aware the opportunity God gives them
Realizes only God knows true motives of others
5.Positive Emotion: A humble person is very thankful. This is one reason why they're usually so happy. When we live with an attitude of gratitude, it releases joy and power into our lives.
6.Looks for the best in others: A humble man is happy when he is corrected. His dependence is in God not man. A humble person is not  judgemental because he realizes how far he falls short and an overwhelming sense of the need to grow

How do we replace pride with humility?
One way is to strive to be a servant of others, and look for small occasions daily to help others. Make an effort to see the beauty and presence of God in others. Battle against the notions that you "deserve" the best things
Do you slide into pride? Take this little test:
Do you look down on people who are less committed or spiritual than you are?
Do you feel the ministry (people) is privileged to have you?
Does it irritate you when someone corrects you for a fault?
Do you find yourself sometimes accepting praise for things over which you have no control? (natural abilities, gifts God has bestowed). Do you receive that praise for yourself, rather than acknowledge the God who gave it, passing that praise on to Him? 
When you make a mistake, do you conjure up an alibi? Do you try to justify/make excuses? Or do you confess and say, “I was wrong”?

When someone wrongs you, do you say, "Well, I can do without them. I don’t need them.”
Do you find it difficult to seek counsel? To ask someone else for advice? You don't even like to drive into a service station and ask directions. “I just want to figure it out myself.”
Is your life marked by a sense of competition? Do you measure success by victory over others?
Do you always feel you know what the motives of people are? Or always thrive to win arguments?
Do always think you know the proud ones and who the humble ones are?
If yes are your answers, join me as we LET GO forever this  toxic baggage, this insidious spiritual cancer called 'pride'
Indeed true humility produces godliness, contentment, and security. 

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