Why Are Girls So Mean And Rude To Each-Other?

I walked into the office this morning with so much on my mind. I'm burdened with the fact that girls are mean and rude to each other. 
This is a good  platform to educate teenage girls on being very nice and considerate with their fellow girls.

What would happen if you see a girl you don't know and say 'hi' with a smile?
What would happen if a fellow girl confides in you and you don't give her away at the slightest provocation? I remember the day a girl called her friend a prostitute and also recounted how many abortions she has had, just because they had a fight.
What would happen if you simply admire that girl without comparing yourself to her?
In my university days a group of girls were mean and unfriendly to me. 
I kept asking my self then , why so much hate and so much gossip. But i cant even get an answer since they were never my friends even for a single day till we graduated. It was later a girl in the group told me that they just didn't like me because of the way i speak and the way i carry myself. (shakes head)
Its no longer news that girl-friends compete with each other secretly, They call themselves sweet names and of course enjoys each others company, but the envy deep down is a fierce battle.

Today...i had a fresh experience, at the ATM Gallery. When i got there i met people in two's and in groups. i was in a haste and i asked a young lady about my age. 

"Please are all these people here waiting to use the ATM? I asked because they were no cues just people in groups talking (gisting)
 and secondly i asked because i want to know how long i will have to wait.
Now back to the story...In a very rude manner she turned to me and said ' If you want to wait, then you wait!' 
I was not  pleased because i have not done or said anything that will get her acting in that manner. Though her actions were not new to me.

Funny Enough that same girl that was rude to me, under that same condition or situation was very very polite with a boy (rolls eyes)
 I once asked this friend of mine, I said to him " I don't know why most  girls my age are always rude to me, but boys, men and TEENAGERS(both girls and boys) loves me crazily, and he gave me an answer i have not not come to accept is the truth.
 He said to me " Girls your age are in secured and jealous of you, because you are very beautiful, you have values and you've got the brain" 
Hmmm...His opinion i guess.

These days you hardly sit close to a fellow girl and have a genuine, inspiring discussion with her, she would rather stay mute with an attitude just because she wants to prove a point. A very silly and ignorant point if you ask me.

Here are some reasons women are mean to their fellow women

1. Competition: A girl once told, She had a friend that is always in constant competition with her, they liked each other, hang out very often, do most things together. But the thought of who is prettier? who is smarter, who is most loved? is always there.

They were friends for 4 years but immediately they graduated the friendship just like vapour disappeared into thin air. 8  years after graduation they have not spoken with each other and even un-followed each other on social media.

My Advice: There is actually no reason to be jealous of someone else. I keep saying this, what you have, the way you look and everything that made you, the you, you are... is exceptional!
Our mind can be unruly and sometimes want to drift into making comparisons, be very fast to draw it back to reality which is that you are special and you have all the component, disposition and that you are fully loaded just the way you are, and am not excluding your mistakes. Because your mistakes are there to make you better.

2. Insecurity: This can be defined as lack of confidence. It is very easy to know or spot an insecure girl. She is always putting other girls down, she talks bad about them, and most especially very mean and rude at the slightest opportunity. Its a shameful thing
I remember when i was much younger, i see the way women cover themselves at least to some extent. But these generation of woman are the first to expose and body-shame themselves.

Another way to spot it is when a girl or woman that claims she wants to help you, suddenly start being envious the moment she notices your upgrade! An in secured girl will hardly admire or commend you openly. (She will rather burst open full of anger) Insecurity is a terrible thing.

3. Ignorance: Believe this when i say it "if you know better you will act better. 
But ignorance is lack of Understanding, Information or knowledge. 

My Advice: I want you to know this, been nice is not supposed to be when you feel like it. It should be a trade-mark. It shouldn't be reserved for that boy you are crushing on alone. it should be for all and even times you don't feel like it.
So many ladies tell me that girls are terrible and cant be trusted and that is the reason for their actions. Listen to me, there is a big difference between being nice, considerate, standing up for that girl, making her better AND giving your life away! It is not the same.

I write this not to shame the ladies, but to plead, beg, solicit that girls should be nice to each other. What actually is the problem? You want to be the Center of the universe? (You cant even handle that)
What are we dragging? The world is large we can all shine. 
Say No to insecurity! Say No to self comparison! say No to Hatred and Envy!

I  have been a victim of this, so many times and in so many different occasions
Maybe in my next article i will narrate how much i have suffered in the hands of girls that robbed their insecurities and jealousy on me. Yes it broke me, but i have been made smarter and stronger. Its going to teach and inspire you

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