Most Victories should be Felt in the Heart not in the Head

Are you hoping and expecting for something to happen for you? Are you believing and trusting that your current situation should pass away? Are you in the midst of a storm that you don't know 'how' to calm?
Trust me when I say you don't have to figure it all out in your little head... When you do that you open the door to depression or deep sadness  😭 What I want you to do is simple...'Just believe'!
Believe you will achieve.  Believe one day the stress will all pass.  Believe you will be fine last last 😊😂
 Allow positivity rule your heart because most victories should be felt in the heart because the heart is intuitive, it is wise,  the place of love and passion.
The place of Assurance
A place where valuable results are stored. It's a treasure room.
It's a place where information are filtered to give the best formation.
The heart is the abode of wisdom.
It's a place of joy.
When you continually feel your victory here it won't take long before it materializes.  
But while the waiting lasted you had fun believing! 

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