10 Advice I Will Give My Younger Self Or To a Teenager

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As a teenager you are progressing into adulthood and a whole lot of changes are taking place, both physically and psychologically and at this stage you want to belong and fit into the society.

You really want to carve a niche for yourself which can also be referred to as searching for identity
This is one of the reasons teenagers are easily influenced. That does not mean you don't know the difference between the good and bad, but the hunger to explore is always high, and that's because you are action oriented, a major reason most get into trouble and also do things the wrong way.
Another reason most teenagers make shabby and emotional decisions is because the emotional part of your brain tries to make the decisions since the part for rational thinking is not fully developed
I have seen some teenagers express themselves in a way not too sound enough, so I decided to share this tips.
And this is exactly what I would tell my younger self. So let's go....
1.TBYT: This  means Think before you talk: I was in a saloon getting my hair done and a teenage girl walked in, complaining bitterly how a married lady she had a little brush with, refused to respond to her greetings and even ignored the compliment she made about her hair. She said she wasn't going to greet her the next time she sees her because she would not want to be insulted, but her girlfriend took the words from her and said the married lady dare not because if she is in her friend's shoes she will serve it hot to her and will really insult her.

As if that was not enough the other girl complaining made a comment that made me now turn to look at her slim, developing body properly... She said that the married lady’s kids are small...and she had gotten pregnant few years ago, her kid will be the married lady’s son's age mate!

I was shocked because it has now balled down to comparison. A girl of 16 talking about pregnancy so freely and boldly even without a husband is serious. For me it’s not something she should even say secretly, but saying it out so Loud is a bit shameful because at that age she has some studying to do, She has some growing up to do also.
The manner she spoke and expressed herself was very wild.
Teenage girls were known to be a little shy and a bit uncomfortable when around elderly people, but I guess this is the 'Instagram/facebook' age right?
One good thing about TBYT (think before you talk) is that it makes you appear very reasonable and gains you respect. 

It's something every teen should learn, words to use not only when they are outside but also when they are inside.
Think before you talk to your parents, friends, teachers and even to the person you consider an enemy.
2.UYE: This simply means Understand your environment. 'how are things done here' when you go to a new place, the first thing to understand is the way and manner things are done.
It will guard you and keep you off any form of embarrassment.

A young boy majestically walked into his uncle's house with his shoes, he was asked to go right out and pull off his shoes. Embarrassing right? He was told that because the people that owns the home does not wear shoes inside and the house is super clean. 

If you find yourself In home the owner appreciate people helping out, please kindly roll up your sleeves and get to work. And be sure they will be glad to always have you around. So when next you see yourself in a new environment., ask them 'how are things done here?

3.PH: This means ' practice hygiene ' hygiene is keeping yourself and your surrounding clean in order to maintain good health.
This includes taking your bathe at least twice daily and for ladies please spend more time washing your armpit /private parts not your belly
😀 brush morning and last thing at night. You don't have to walk round the house on bare foot get an indoor slipper
Wash your hands after using the toilet. Smell nice' buy deodorant even if it's a cheap one.
Not having too many dress is not a good reason to be dirty. You can always wash and re-use the ones you have.

When you practice hygiene you will not just be healthy but will have a good self-esteem/image which will draw friends to you.

4.It's wrong to take what is not yours without asking question: A young lady I know is known by her friends for taking things that's not hers 

Once she is in your home, she looks out for things that she likes. Takes it, only to call you later that she took your stuff, and that she will bring it back after using it. I guess she is afraid of Being turned down. It became so annoying that her friends do not want her around anymore. She could have simply asked. Although for me it's not even ideal to ask people for their things.

5.Social media: There is nothing wrong with having a social media account, it helps you stay in touch with your friends and to make new ones, but too much of social media can be overwhelming being that it’s a platform where good and negative news are shared! Job gains and job loss, marriages and divorce, new life and death.
Social media if not balanced can get you addicted to it, you find yourself blog hopping, checking updates' friends timeline updates this could get you neglecting things you should actually do, such as preparing well for an exam, delayed homework, avoiding chores, lazy etc. 

It could lead to depression, when the number of likes and shares of your updates becomes a measure of your self-worth
People tend to update or publish their good stories, this could bring about so many negative emotions like jealousy, comparisons, sadness, anxiety.. Don't waste your time comparing your inside' with a friend's outside' remember you only saw the ones they want you to see.
Don't be caught up in the bully going on there or the negativity which the platform project so much.
Social media is not a platform to beg strangers for money, you might fall into a trap.
You need to understand that there is more to life than Facebook and Instagram
Chasing and achieving your dreams brings better fulfilment even if the price for it is abstaining from social media.

6.Who you look up to either makes you or breaks you: most of us are on social media where following up celebrities we admire becomes very easy. As young adults we tend not just follow them but we imitate them, that's so wrong. Even if you have to follow them all you need is to appreciate them, learn from their mistakes, so that you are not caught up in same error it will make you become a better version of yourself. 

You don't really have to call someone a mentor to be mentored by that person, anybody you imitate you become. It either sharpens your originality or takes away your originality
Evaluate yourself figure out who you truly want to become and discover who can help you achieve that without losing yourself in the process.

7. You don't have to follow the crowd, following the crowd gets your life crowded: Never be carried away by this insinuation everyone is doing it' everyone has sex before marriage, everybody lies, everybody is on social media, everybody drinks etc. not everybody have sex before marriage or drink or smoke. You don't have to follow the crowd. The best gift you can give yourself is to become unique or Stand-out.
Secondly everybody cannot be your friend, choosing your friends carefully is same as living carefully.

8.Never allow anyone destroy your self-esteem: You are unique, specially made, beautiful and this is not to make you feel good… No one is useless, we only make our self-useless
The world is full of negativity and also negative people. When I was much younger my siblings tell me stuffs like your nose is too big, your mouth is that, your legs are not straight enough, and blah blah blah but I never allowed it get to me because I believe I'm good. 

Sometimes even our parents make the mistake of comparing us with others. Thinking they are helping us. Don't feel sad. My advice to you is this 'no matter how you think you look, dare to become all that you dream, become it and everything will fall in place. Even the world can't hold back to put the FOCUS on you!
Someone might try to put you down in public, just know it has nothing to do with you, the person is struggling with self-esteem problem because in putting you down they feel up. And that's the best way they know how.

9. Respect all: They say respect is reciprocal, yes it is. But what if people don’t reciprocate our respect? Will that stop us from giving it?
For me respecting everyone is a duty and a commitment, the reciprocation is not my problem

10. Dwarf your obstacle: I love one story in the bible, the Zacchaeus story, his height posed as threat to his salvation but he dwarfed his obstacle my climbing the tree.
Nothing should hold you down, you are to blossom wherever you are planted.
Poor background should not be a limitation but a motivation, neither should your colour or body size.
No man or woman should be an obstacle to your purpose. You have been created to shine where ever you are. No matter how dark the tunnel is, be hopeful because there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote/posted this awhile ago, but reading it again today. Wow its awesome . I really wish this write up can get to every teen out there.
