How far can you go when faced with pressure

There are some many factors that determine how far you can go when faced with pressure but the ones that are very important are 'strong will, Self esteem/ self image'

1.Strong will : We need to understand that the strength  of a man is not the physical strength and energy he shows off, but  his WILL. You are as strong as your will.
The will of a man determines the true strength of the man.
Not all who have physical energy has this kind of strength.
If you have a positive strong-will no one can coarse you into what you don't want to do have you go  against your believe.
Having a mind of your own is most vital to conquering peer pressure which we all face, and it's not just among  teenagers but also among adults  as well.
It's important we know, facing peer pressure does not make us weak people but it's actually a test of your of our strength. In-fact "weak people are actually the ones that pressurize people into doing what they don't want to do" for the fact that the person is putting  up a tough skin doesn't mean he/she knows exactly what's right. They are just bullies trying to hide their weaknesses
Peer pressure is largely about insecurity and a desire for acceptance for all involved.

2. High Self Esteem and positive self-image: This another trait we should develop, the difference between these two is that self esteem is how you FEEL about yourself while Self Image is  how you believe others see you, its a pity that life circumstances  affects our self image and esteem,  situations  like disabilities, hardships, broken homes,  sexual abuse,   rape, financial difficulties, poor health,  and other major problem
But we can improve self-image through positive thinking, having good attitude...
Eleanor Roosevelt, said something very profound : "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
You don't need a model body to realize how valuable you are, develop good self esteem
positive image can really go a long way to help you over come peer pressure.
You must understand that you are unique and special

How to stand strong when faced with negative pressure

1.Say No and mean it '
When someone comes up with a crazy idea of pornography,  smoking, drug etc
They are so smart and they know when you say a 'No' that is genuine or weak, so the best is to say a No and stand strongly by it. But in the case you are not sure of what to say.  You can buy time,  tell the person  to give you sometime to think about it. And please while the person is waiting, think it through, use that time too make research on the danger and disadvantages that comes with what the person wants you to do - Now you know better and have a more reason to say a BIG NO! Prepare an answer to back it up with a 'strong will' never to get involved.  In-fact educate this person a bit I'm sure he too was pressurized or is outrightly acting out of ignorance

2. Good company : You become the kind of people you associate with
Birds of same feather flock together, don't be deceived,  anyone you associate or mingle with leaves a deposit in you, so you must be careful not to be in a company that will corrupt your good manner. Surround your self with people that have same believe as you.

3.Engage yourself into what will make u feel proud of your self: Learn something new like playing the piano, improving in your academics, because most times it improves your esteem. Being smart and intelligent gives you energy.  Most People want to fit in, they want to feel important that's why they succumb to pressure.

4. Avoid situations that will make u fall into pressure
A young girl should not be in a lonely place with a man if she is not ready for what the man want to bring to the table
A young boy should not hang out with group of boys without  adult supervision. Stay busy and avoid parties where you think drinking and drugs might be involved.
Always try think ahead and always prepare your mind on how to deal with matter without  having yourself bruised

5. Don't be deceived: There is always a big fat lie that everyone  is doing it... The truth is that not everyone  is doing it.
Dont be deceived when some comes up with a crazy idea and tell you to go on  with it because everyone is doing it. Never be intimidated! You are not alone so many has gone through the same thing and came out strong. You have the ability to say No to anything you don't want to do 
A man calls you naive, look at him confidently with a smile and say " I'm glad you recognize I have some growing up to do.  And besides doing what you want me to is do is not a smart choice and me realising proves you wrong"
A friend calls you Lilly-livered because you refused to smoke, do drugs,  engage in premarital sex. That's his opinion and his opinion  is an reflection of his own reality. Look him straight in the eye and say ' that is not how I've planned to live my life and I will appreciate if you keep your opinions to your self.

The biggest asset  you have is your 'will' and no one can force anything  on you without  your consent
There is always a way of escape...
It is also important  you know that it's not just people your age that can pressurise you, there is a kind of pressure that isn't even peer pressure,  this kind of pressure comes from someone you highly respect, an older person, someone you naturally wouldn't want to say No to, because you feel indebted to them or you want to reciprocate the person favour .. I have been in that place, and I came out smiling because I never gave in and it never made me feel guilty
I was sure of what I wanted.  

Always remember it's not easy standing up for what you know is right especially when everyone else isn't, especially when those closest to you, desert you,  you feel  weak abandoned,  and highly vulnerable, It makes you start wondering if you're doing the right thing.
 You start having second thoughts. And you start wavering, waffling and wilting under pressure. Yet these very moments can propel you to greatness if given half a chance.
Standing strong in the face of adversity is not easy. It takes fortitude, it takes courage; it takes resolute determination and will. Sticking to your belief system is easy when things are clicking, when everything is going your way. But when things start going awry, when things start getting a little bit sticky, do you stay true to your beliefs - or do you look for the easy way out? Do you stand firm - or do you toss your beliefs aside and just go with the flow?
Standing strong is what winning in life is all about. No, you may not always win. And yes, you will taste defeat more times than you care to remember. But make no mistake about it, when you stand up for your principles, you are never a loser. By resolutely believing in yourself and your convictions, you develop character and an internal strength that cannot be defeated.
It's time to stand up. Believe what you believe... then live it every ounce of your soul. No more backing down, no more giving up; no more cowering in the face of difficult choices and decisions. No more squirming, no more worrying about what others may think. No more sitting on the fence, hoping you'll please those all around you. No more apologizing for what you believe.
No more, no more, no more.
It's time to stand firm in the face of danger. It's time to stand tall when things start to unravel. It's time to stand strong when others all around you are running for cover. Don't worry about what others say or think. Just do what you know is right in your heart. And do it proudly, with boldness and strength.
You need to so stand up for your beliefs. Stand up against evil. Take a stand against deceit and dishonesty. And stand for something truly special. 
And then don't just stand there, go make something spectacular happen today.
The Bottom Line: When you stand up for what you believe, you stand out.

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