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No matter who you are, where you are from, black or white, rich or poor , you are to blossom, and it does not matter if  you've been planted in Africa, Europe, America, Asia, you are to blossom.

What does it mean to blossom?

Blossom here means to be successful, attractive, confident etc. When you blossom the air has no choice but to get filled with your scent.
When you blossom you bear fruits.

How to blossom
1. Positive mental attitude;
One of the best ways to increase your chance of success in all areas of life is to develop a positive mental attitude. Its this attitude that makes you a happier person and also draw people to you.
It makes you a very attractive person, people look up to you and that's a sure way to blossom

2. Accept that things Are not always going to be Perfect :
We want a perfect family, a perfect body , perfect friends etc
It is saver to accept that things are not always going to be perfect. Don't yield to the pressure of perfectionism instead become an optimist.
Your optimism towards life and what it throws at you makes you a confident person.
Confidence makes you believe in your own abilities, confidence makes people also believe in your ability

3. Set goals: For you to have a set goal, there must be a target or a focus! I love the mind so much because we achieve a lot in our mind. I can dream so big in my mind and will not pay a dime. 
Now you see? There is actually no excuse for failure
So you must blossom in your mind and when you do'… the fruit will be seen by all in a short time

Before most things becomes a reality, it has been first-hand achieved in the mind. Most of the inventions we enjoy this days was first built in the minds of the inventors.
4. Make your life count by contributing in a meaningful way
I  have noticed over time that people appreciate those that are useful to them in one way or the other, the way people see you, when you are so dependent on them is different from the way they see you when you are of benefit . There must be something you can do to add to someones life, figure that out and see your relationship blossom. This also has a way of bringing inner satisfaction and joy

5. Be grateful
Spend a little time each day thinking of things that you are truly thankful for in your life.

Reminding yourself of all the reasons you have to be grateful, helps to maintain some focus on your situation.
Being thankful will often turn initial anger or frustration into something more positive. Remember, we all have weaknesses, but focusing on your strengths prevents them getting the better of us.
A good practice to get into is that of keeping a gratitude journal. This is where you make a note of at least 5 things that make you happy or thankful each day. This is one of the best ways to foster the habit of gratitude.

6. Focus On The Present
Mark Twain said,

We often add to our problems by building them up in our minds to be bigger than they really are.

How often do you find that things you worry about for days end up not happening at all, or not being as big a problem as you thought?

But, by focussing on the present as much as possible, you can minimize the worries and fears that lead to negative emotions.

7. Believe: You're here to blossom. Believe in your abilities
People must have their opinion about who you are, if its a good one, that's fine. But if its a bad one based on their negative assumption that's should never be your problem



Water is a necessity to plants, they need it to grow and blossom, because it helps to facilitate the distribution of the nutrients. Lack of water makes it withers
In same way our thoughts most times dictates how we feel and act. When your thoughts are of worry, anxiety, fear it distributes it all over the body, the same way happy thoughts distributes positive energy to our body also we need to water our life by what we profess. we always ought to speak positively into our life, it does not matter what people say or who they believe we would become.

Light is required by plant to conduct photosynthesis. Plant which grows in dark room or gets little light will produce long and weak stems, small size leaves; and pale. In the order hand, plant that grows in enough light condition will, produce strong stem, more developed leaves and green color.
Light supplies the energy the plant needs to survive, that is to say we need the right energy to blossom. We all have that energy inside and that's same energy that keeps us going even when 'there is no solution in sight' that energy always whispers " hold on there is light at the end of the tunnel"
Sometime we loose all our energy that is when you need to plug your self to the right source of energy and that's what 'Castlepays' is here for, to support and to make sure your sun keeps shining

Weeding ; This is the act of taking out unwanted plants so that the real plant can grow adequately.
It's very unhealthy to grow with weeds! In life its not everyone that should be around you
In as much as its good to be at peace and love everyone…we don't need to have everyone's input. Its important to run life race side by side with people that will positively influence our life
Remember " evil communication corrupts good manner"

Manure/soil nutrient : Never go stale…keep learning new things
Develop a curiosity about the world around you, and the people in it. No matter what situation you’re in right now, there is always something we can learn from it.
Taking a real interest in life gives you energy, it helps create new ideas in your mind, and gives you a different way of thinking about things, that can have a positive impact on your life as a whole.


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