Courtship not Dating…The Difference

What is dating : Dating is a modern game where intimacy is practised before commitment.
  There are so many things in this world that draws you to this

 For example, sex, physical attraction, looking at other couples, constantly listening to love music, fear, constantly watching love movies, etc.

 Love is intelligent. We usually do not associate love with intelligence because Hollywood/Nollywood makes love emotional. But God makes love intelligent. Okay, so you feel something for this guy, but use your head, not your libido.

 1.Courtship places intelligence as a premium to a relationship, but dating places emotions as the prime indicator of a relationship.

 2.Courtship understands real love.
 Dating is basically selfish. Does love motivate the guy who sleeps with his girlfriend when it will scar her emotionally and damage her relationship with God?
Does love motivate the girl who leads a guy along then breaks up with him when she finds someone better?

 Purpose of the relationship
1.The main difference between dating and courtship involves the goals to be reached by spending time with a potential marriage partner.

Men and women who choose to date often have no commitment to consider marrying the other person. Maturity and readiness for marriage are not considerations in the decision to date.

Instead, couples usually date with the selfish goals of having fun and enjoying romantic attachments. In contrast, courtship is undertaken only when both parties are prepared to make a commitment to marriage.

2. Dating tries to answer the question, How can I find the one who will make me happy?

Courtship strives to answer the question, How can I honour God and discern His direction regarding my life partner?

3. Accountability to Authorities In a dating relationship, there is little if any accountability for the couple and little or no interaction with family members.

The dating couple is merely attracted to one another in some way and often pursues an exclusive relationship that is independent of others’ influence or counsel. Since the boundaries of the relationship are self-determined, the couple may easily succumb to temptation and fail to consider their responsibility to honour each other in purity and genuine love.

 A couple participating in courtship seeks the accountability of their parents or other mentors. As they establish guidelines for their relationship, they can more easily recognise that God also holds them responsible to honour one another.
Receiving God’s grace and the support of others strengthens them to maintain their commitment to purity.
 Exposure to Temptation In a dating relationship, self-gratification is normally the basis of the relationship.
Instead of focusing on God’s pleasure, the couple is often looking for personal pleasure.
This oblivious self-centered life style can lead only to dissatisfaction, promoting an attitude of lust (taking what I want) rather than the Scriptural attitude of love (giving unselfishly to others).

 Many argue that unless you have sex before marriage, you might not be satisfied with your spouse’s performance. They say, "Better find out if you are compatible sexually before marriage than after marriage."
 You know this argument is so lame. Common sense tells us that sex will be wonderful so long as you are in love with the person. It doesn’t matter if they can do gymnastics in bed, what matters most, is if they love you. Sex is meaningful with someone you love. You can learn to perform better as you go along. That is part of the fun.

"Dating without the intent of getting married is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unsatisfied or you take something that isn't yours."—Jefferson Bethkehi

 Of course, the majority of relationships do not end in marriage, but some become so intimate and intense that the couple might as well be married. If a breakup occurs, then they experience a sort of emotional divorce. It is not uncommon that by the time a person is married, he feels like he has already been through five divorces.

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