TEENS: Suicide Warning Signs to Watch for and How to Go About it


Teenagers face a lot of pressures, from the changes of puberty to questions about who they are and where they fit in. With all this turmoil and uncertainty, it isn’t always easy to differentiate between normal teenage growing pains and depression.
But teen depression goes beyond moodiness. It’s a serious health problem that impacts every aspect of a teen’s life. Fortunately, it’s treatable and parents can help. Your love, guidance, and support can go a long way toward helping your teen overcome depression and get their life back on track.

Teenagers are capable of all kinds of strange behaviour. How can you tell whether your child is exhibiting typical teenage behaviour - or showing signs that he is at risk for suicide

1.When you notice that your once easygoing teen suddenly become irritable? Or you notice that your vibrant teen suddenly becomes too sluggish. Either could be a red flag. I know some Nigerian parents will threaten or even start hitting the child, that is very wrong as your teen would  rather die than confide in you.

2.When your child now feel less concerned or bothered about how he/she looks outwardly. I mean the hygiene or general appearance changes in a shocking way. That could be a sign of depression.

3. Know this! whenever teens gets into a situation they always have the feeling of 'No Escape' and it can be very stressful; i mean situations like unwanted pregnancy, breakups with girlfriends or boyfriends, being bullied at school , low grades all these can lead to a suicidal crisis
As parents or guardian it will be a failure on your part, if you don't get your teen to trust or confide in you. The last thing they need is to be judged or condemned. Always make them understand that situations can be handled.


4.Another red flag is when your teen start rebelling for no just cause
Some kids argue, disobey rules, and push limits, Call them aside find out what the issue is, especially if the behaviour starts suddenly and out of nowhere.

5.Runs away from home; It good you know that teens who run away from home may be experiencing a stressful situation you don't know about.

6.They can start  giving away prized possessions? As a parent or guidian try find out if its a gesture or if its a way of disposing their things because they wont be needing them again.

7.Talking or joking about committng suicide is dangerous. Take it seriously, statements like “I’d be better off dead,” “I wish I could disappear forever” or “There’s no way out”
or speaking positively about death or romanticising dying (“If I died, people might love me more”)
Writing stories and poems about death, dying, or suicide
Also writing about death is common in young people with suicidal thoughts.

8.Can't Sleep: Is your teen awake all night or sleeping all day? Changes in sleep patterns are worth keeping an eye on, if you think your child is depressed.There is a difference between not wanting to sleep and not needing to sleep. 
The latter is a symptom of bipolar illness. People who are bipolar have a higher risk of suicide

9.How Boring
Does he/she always seem bored? Boredom can be a symptom of depression. What about trouble concentrating? Same thing, and both issues could be indicators of drug abuse. 
.Drug and alcohol abuse put teens at risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior.

10. If he/she tried to commit suicide before? There's a higher risk for a second attempt.

11. Another thing to watch out for is if he/she now prefers to be alone,this time
your teen is  having trouble getting along with friends and family? This could be a red flag, especially if you notice other changes in behaviour.

12.The teen frequently complaining of headaches, stomachaches, or other ailments? That could be an indicator of an anxiety disorder. 
Anxiety disorders can lead to suicidal thoughts.
Even if your child seems to be doing well from an outsider's perspective, what really matters is how he/she feels inside, says Dr. Shain.

13. If he says he feels like a failure, listen. And consider getting him evaluated by a professional.

14.Engaging in reckless behaviour or having a lot of accidents resulting in injury

15. Saying goodbye to friends and family as if for the last time

16.Seeking out weapons, pills, or other ways to kill themselves

If you are reading this and you have suicidal thoughts i want you to know that you are not alone in this, so many people have had that thought too. The worst thing anyone can do is downplay your situation or emotions.

You can write to me or you can get  professional help. 
What you are going through is real so you need someone that can stand by you. Someone that can try as much as possible to understand.

Love from me to you! (voice of teenagers)

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