The Best Way to Get Noticed and Relevant for a Life-Time

Image result for a girl looking sad because of lack of attention

Most people can do anything to be noticed, talked about or to appear on blogs/news sites.
Popularity sales, but the way most teens go about climbing the stairs of 'stardom' I sometimes wonder if they will always be proud of their actions.

Most of them go nude, say silly things and act silly just to be noticed.
 I have thought about all this and I realised that it’s not the best way to go about seeking attention

The best way is;

Aim to draw attention with your works not to yourself: Social media is thriving today because it’s a platform where you notice others and also get noticed.
 It’s a platform that is satisfying people's innermost desire to be notice, validated or applauded!

Attention should be aimed at your works and by that I mean something produced by physical or intellectual effort, not to yourself, because the whole creation already knows you are unique.

 And when you truly believe you are exceptional you don't try so hard to be noticed.

What big minds think of is how to make the world a better place by the results of their  uniqueness and that has a way of Garnering the attention back to them. They have no time seeking attention

Most people admire products, even before they get to know the person or group behind it.
Seeking to be noticed by all means can be termed as low esteem or  desperation.

A young lady exposing her body provocatively will attract attention definitely, and that is very easy, it does not need any effort or brain work.

Likewise a very loud, arrogant, uncoordinated person,they also attracts attention but that's not a good attention either

So instead of seeking for attention, make your life count and you will be shocked that so many people have noticed you already.

If you take the short-cut as most teenagers do you will surely be noticed but trust me even when you’ve succeed it fades away quickly because it’s not tangible.

Drawing fleeting attention to your self is easy but seeking tangible attention with your works and abilities takes consistency and dedication and patience.

Be careful of the kind of attention you draw to yourself, because at the end of the day...what matters is not that you existed but your footprint when you are gone.

To be where you want to be, sit down, ask God for direction and follow his leading. You will surely be noticed and celebrated.

Getting the right attention is profitable for recommendation
Attention is profitable when it imparts us positively not negatively.
When you seek for attention with only you in picture, you will remain at a level.

Becoming noticed and relevant for a life requires you having humanity in mind.
They say bad things sells but I tell you, good works sells even more!

Some people have been here before us and their works and achievements still brings comfort and smiles on people’s faces.

I challenge and encourage you today as a teenager, there is so much time, start planning, start executing. Don’t be afraid to fail, when you fail a thousand times dust yourself and try again! Until you succeed at something.

But don’t just have yourself in mind, unless you don’t want to go far.


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