The Evil Of Boredom

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Have you ever used the word "bored"  if you  have; you're literally saying I'm
B- Becoming
O- overly
R -restlessness
E- Emotionally unstable
D- Discontented

I will define Boredom as a state of not knowing what to do or craving for an unknown satisfaction. Some one gave it a perfect definition, he described it as the "desires for desire"
It is different from what we know as Relaxing or Chilling which to me is the ability of doing 
nothing and yet NOT  getting bored. So being bored and relaxing are not the same, chilling refreshes you but boredom wears you out

No body likes to be bored, some people will do anything to avoid being in that state...It makes you sick.

Most evil of today is rooted is boredom especially in  under developed countries where there are no jobs & less opportunities
No wonder it is said "an idle mind is the devil's work place"
Each time an individual is caught commiting a crime, he/she tells you, it's the devil's hand work...But that's not particularly true, they were simply in a state of "nothing useful to do"...They were bored, then in search for a way out, they conceived the evil in their mind that gave birth to the crime they commit.

Being bored can lead to;

Depression - Depression is a mental illness but most people that has an upgraded version of boredom calls it depression; that is  a state of distaste, they now see life and living as a punishment so they crave to end it. It's so bad that so many people are in this state. 

Over eating- A funny quote I read said "I wish I can differentiate when I'm hungry from when I'm bored. Another person put it this way " my stomach is bored not hungry " boredom makes one eat too much, and that result to weight gain.

Stress- It increases stress, A man sat down for a boring experiment by researchers at the University of Waterloo, where he was made to watch a video of two men hanging laundry while his heart rate and cortisol levels were monitored.
The study found that cortisol levels rose after boredom was induced. “That to me is an explosive discovery,” Mr. Nerenberg says. “It’s actually a state of stress.” No wonder it makes one sick
You can also be bored to death: In 2010, researchers at University College London analyzed questionnaires completed by 7,524 civil servants between the ages of 35 to 55 in the late ‘80s. Those who reported a great deal of boredom were more likely to have died upon a follow-up than those who had not reported feeling bored.

Drug/Alcohol-So many resort to drug and alcohol because they are bored and want to be in another level..And most times this brings about VIOLENCE

Immorality/naughtiness- Talk about this two, you see boredom clearly written by the side, Teens are mostly guilty of this . They have nothing doing, their parents of course provides and takes care of all their needs, often times they get bored of every thing even bored of studying. Everyone tell them what to do (parents,big siblings, teachers, priests ) etc and they don't like it. Now they want to do something to light up, they get involved with crazy friends, crazy activities, they see being normal as 'boring'. That's why parents are advised to engage their children positively. Find out about their interest and  give them your full support.

Broken homes- Bordom is one tiny rock that can destroy a marriage
But it's rarely considered a factor that can wreck a home .
They cure for bordom they say is curiousity  and curiosity for the wrong reasons they say "kills the cat"
Have you ever wondered why a full grown man will molest his child/other people's children?

A young lady told a story of how she dates different men to get rid of boredom, yes its that bad. Where is the drive? purpose?  ambition? or are some people just living?

Myles Monroe really took his time to explain the meaning of  purpose and why it's a way to actually live a life that counts. 

A Man that lives every day fulfilling his  purpose will never be bored because you  wake every morning with a burning desire to do things, because there is so much is to achieve.

Why say you are bored when there is so much to life ...You live in a great, big, vast world that you have seen none percent of, and even inside of your own mind is endless, it goes on forever inwardly. Do you understand?
This means that you are alive is amazing, you don't get to be bored.

There is so much to do, that someone said he rather die of exhaustion than die of bordom
Find your purpose, we all have reasons we exist, your purpose is where your deep gladness meets the world's needs
You were created for something awesome . If you can't figure out your purpose figure out your passion (what you love to do, what comes to you naturally,what people applaud you for, what keeps you awake, what makes you cry, the need you desire to meet) for your passion will lead you right into your purpose
And when you find your purpose it's like your heart been set alight with passion and  you will  know absolutely

The most important days of your life is the 'day you were born ' and the 'day you discover WHY'..
When you find your purpose in life is so big, it will challenge your capacity to be at your best


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