What Envy Does And Over-Coming It - RoyalQueen

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Sudden jealousy and envy is one of the reasons friends are unhappy in their relationships.
It creeps in like a millipede and if not readily checked can destroy the friendship

I'm very concerned about this issue because it is the root cause of most evil and stagnantion we suffer in our society today.

A lot of people moving around with smiles are not genuinely happy with the progress of others.

Envy is born of competition, low self esteem, deprivation and a bitter heart

Most times people envy  those that are within their circle
It is difficult to envy or jealous whom you don't know.
Jealousy/ Envy is not a stranger rather its a close neighbour

Envy comes when you believe the success of others is not deserved. When you think it should have been you. It is wrong to Assess what comes to others based on qualification and hard work.

Envy is slightly different from covetousness because envy is more in attitude, covetousness is more in action.


1. Envy Magnifies the achievement of your friend in your heart but belittles it in your mouth. Though your heart admits that there is a reasonable progress but your mouth will never say it. If he buys a new car for instance, you either say he stole it,  or that the car is not functioning well.

2. Envy exchanges your time of progress with a wishful thinking of destroying or thwarting the plans of others, the time that should have been used to better yourself . It is easy to recognise an envious person because they usually belittles others and their achievements

3. Envy goes after people making progress.

4.Envy would rather celebrate strangers than friends or family.: it will surprise you to know some people would rather help people outside their household because they want to be the only shining star in their own household.


If you notice you have envy or you are always envious..its okay, recognising that is a step in the right direction. Now despise that bitter root called envy and uproot it by making deliberate effort to quench it when it arises. Here are practical ways to quench envy;

1. Don't pretend about it: There is a natural tendency to compare your self with a friend or relative. When you find yourself doing that kneel down and thank God for Gods blessings on their lives. God has just started with your bunch and it will soon be your turn.

2. Always know that there is something unique about you, that will make you stand out. Most times envy has to do with low self esteem, you have to believe in your self and your abilities, be consistent in what you do and also find new ways to improve in them. Keep learning, never be stagnant neither waste time comparing and envying.

3.Never criticize in the open, what you admire in the secret.

4. Make input in the success of others. This will go a long way because no one criticizes a foundation he laid, even if he doesn't live in it. You will always feel and be a part of that success.

5. Find a reason to justify the success of another. Every one deserves the best.

6. Avoid questions like "Do they have two heads"? Remember that the sovereignty of God and his intended purpose for everyone supersedes our calculation.

Someone said " A beast is just itself but an envious man is half a beast and half the devil"
Jeremiah 17:9 says
The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can understand it?
We all have been encourage to guide and renew our mind always. Never stop.

Lastly at every point in life, See yourself as successful. When you do...Another persons success can never threaten you. Success is a destination, when you get there, you wait for others.
Never desire to be the only one to succeed. There is no joy in that, because, a man can not build a community all by himself.


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