Why I Have Decided To Be More Positive Minded

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When I was much younger, I kept on wondering why people were not always too comfortable with me. 

But it's much different with my friend, everyone switches to her, she is lively, outgoing, and has a lot of positive energy.
She has lots of friends and can make friends on the go. I never understood what was going on, until now.
People easily click with anyone that has positive energy, it's attractive, people want to be around that person that makes them laugh, someone that is not a bore!
You know why? Because they have enough problem on their own that they can do anything to be with anyone that will make them forget it even if it's for a moment.
Positivity attracts success, because when you become attracted to others this makes you confident and comfortable to reach any goal.
I went for a job interview, I was so positive I will get the job, even though thousands applied for the same job, I was almost sure I will get the job, not because I knew anyone in the company or because I was highly intelligent, I was simply very positive and after the interview, the interviewer caught the bug, he was pleased with the answers I gave him, at the end of the day the job was mine.
It's not always easy to be positive at all times, in fact it's almost impossible to have positive flow all the days of one's life, because the real obstacle to positivity is that our brains are hard-wired to look for and focus on threats.
 Also the way things are these days, is enough for one to be negative. The economic situation, bad governance, violence, etc.
But the need to be positive is far more beneficial than been negative.
Negativity has never and will never help anyone. It damages one’s health, career, emotional balance and confidence.

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Positivity brings about good health, a time I was so bitter with someone that really hurt my feelings, just the thought of this person and all that the person said released negative energy all over me. I knew I needed to forgive and move on but it was somehow difficult.
It was not long I fell sick, and I knew it was as a result of my thoughts few days ago.
Nervous system has two major operating systems — the sympathetic nervous system, which produces the body's stress response, also known as "fight or flight"; and the parasympathetic nervous system, which produces the body's relaxation response, also known as "rest and digest." This is our homeostatic state, when the body is in equilibrium.
But here's what they don't teach in medical school: The body's natural self-repair mechanisms only fully function when the nervous system is in relaxation response.
Your brain can't tell the difference between "I'm getting chased by a tiger!" and "Nobody loves me" or "I'm never going to get well." As far as the nervous system is concerned, they all signal imminent danger, and that is what stress really is, as far as your body is concerned.
Did you know, for example, that lonely people have double the rate of heart disease than those who are part of a supportive community, and that researchers have found that loneliness may be a greater risk factor for your health than smoking or not exercising? Did you know that optimists have a 77 percent lower risk of heart disease than pessimists, or that happy people live seven to 10 years longer than unhappy people?
It gives healthy Self-Esteem:  To be positive is to know and truly believe that you are a valuable person and have something to offer. Trust in yourself and your decisions.
Fulfilling Life:  A positive state of mind creates positive emotions. Positive emotions create a positive lifestyle. What would you rather have? Being happy all the time or feeling angry constantly? Ask yourself that question and from today on, make the decision to use positive thinking in your life every day to enjoy these benefits and more!

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