How to be Attractive (PART 1)

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The attractiveness i talk about here is not the one of having a pleasing appearance that causes romantic or sexual feelings in someone.

Attractiveness i mean is having a feature or quality that people like.
Someone will ask Royal-Queen what is the difference? Well the difference between the two is that
the first talks about Physical appearance while the latter talks about attitude.

You can sight a beautiful mansion and you want to buy it, you desire to make it your home and the moment you get inside the house you discover its full of dead bodies.
The desire to live or buy that mansion will quickly disappear that is exactly the way it is when we have good physical appearance without a good attitude. One good thing about attitude is that it has a way of robbing off on the physical appearance.
When your attitude is beautiful you will become physically attractive to many.

Here are some tips to have an attractive personality
 1.  Develop and discover your self. There is something you can do and do very well. Get to discover that thing you do that brings you smile and happiness sharpen your skill on it. If you need a coach get  one! it will go a long way in boosting your esteem

 2.  Begin to let go of the need for validation. Don’t be motivated by the opinions or others or the desire for recognition. Be driven by what is important to you and what you value.

3.  Trust your instincts and allow for experimentation. Get to know yourself and discover what you enjoy and find exciting, even if you have to fail a few times.

4.  Accept others as they are. Begin letting go of judgements and criticism of others. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their faults. Learn to deal with difficult people without diminishing yourself.

5.  Really hear people. Go beyond just listening and understanding. Let people know that you really get them.

6.  Take care of unresolved matters in your life. Restore your integrity. Forgive and ask for forgiveness where necessary. Reclaim the energy you have given to these matters.

7.  Embrace a healthy lifestyle. Get some form of exercise daily. Eat healthy foods that support your body, not your emotions. Do this because you respect yourself, not to impress others.

8.  Cause things to happen. Don’t wait for them. Be a creator, an instigator, a collaborator. Share your enthusiasm.

9.  Show people you care. Don’t just talk about it. Show them in ways that are meaningful to them, not you.

10. Require the best of people. See them not only for who they are, but who they can be. Lovingly reflect that vision to them.
 11. Ensure your own needs are met. Discern your primary needs, and communicate fully what is important and valuable to you in your relationships. Don’t compromise these to keep peace or hang on.

 12. Speak constructively. Use your words to uplift, inspire, motivate, and encourage.

13. Laugh easily. Have a lightness about you. Take life less seriously and choose to find and create fun and joy.

14. Cease gossip. Choose not to talk about others in ways that are openly or subtlety critical. Don’t share information for the feeling of power or intrigue.

 15. Make requests, not complaints. If you need something from someone, ask for it directly. Don’t whine or complain to them or others.

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