Are you Paying the Right Price? Be Mindful of the Price you Pay Everyday

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I stayed up all through last night writing and editing this article.  Now if you are close to me you will know how badly i needed to sleep and this is because my Monday-Sunday's are full of activities.

At about 4a.m i advised myself to go to bed because i have to wake up in 2 hrs to face Lagos traffic to the office.

What i'm i trying to say? I have learnt to pay the price.  There is a price for every success achieved.

And that price is not all about hard-work, but Focus, Strategy, character, determination, consistency, and believe or faith
If you work hard without any of the rest you can as well fail and energy will be wasted.

The price of becoming educated is going to school and that requires studying, going to school, sitting for hours and been taught.
The people tutoring you might not be the kind of people you want to associate with or the people you want to affiliate with but because you want to be taught you have to see them all the time

The price of being a good atlethe is to have a good skill, continuous practice, etc

So this means nothing good just comes for free...We must live our life very mindful of how we live and also mindful of the price we pay all the time .
Have you paid attention to the price you pay everyday??

There is always a price to pay be it small or big.
If  you want the most expensive car, or  a house you must be ready to pay high price for it.
But if you want just any car you still need to pay but it might not be as high as when you pay for a Bugatti.

Now in life prices are paid to achieve greatness, and any greatness achieved by fluke may not give the satisfaction and fulfilment

The price of Character: It has been said that CHARACTER is the foundation for all true success.
A person may have money, position, or power, but unless he has “good” character he or she is not considered to be truly successful.

Does Character Really Determine Our Success In Life? How?

We usually don’t think of character as having a direct effect on our successes or failures. But when we consider the individual qualities that together make up  our character, we can easily see that it does.

Students can succeed with better grades by being diligent to study every day and by showing endurance to keep working when he/she is tired and would like to quit.

Magic Johnson, one of basketball’s all-time great player, developed his skills in part by practising every day as a youth. He demonstrated determination and persistence.

Abraham Lincoln became President after repeatedly losing elections for lower offices. His character was such that he would not give up.

There are endless examples… how attention to detail has made the difference, how diligence has paid off, how a person’s  integrity has put them in line for promotion.
Yes, Character Really Does Determine Success!

On a more immediate and practical level, our character is what really determines our success in any area of life. Our character guides our responses to any situation or circumstance in our life. It is why we do the things we do and it is why we do things the way we do them.  Since how we respond to the various things that come up is what will determine the results we get, it follows that the success we have in any endeavour are determined by our character.

I'm very mindful of the price i pay every day and i want you to also pay attention because it helps you understand where you are and what next to do.
At this point you might not see the result you want, it might look so tasking, i encourage you never give up, keep looking for better ways  to develop and get better at what you do.

Even if you fail, keep trying until you succeed. It is better to pay the price now and succeed than pay the price at old age when the energy is no longer there.
Remember to have  Focus, Strategy, character, determination, consistency, and faith.

#Royal-Queen #voiceofteenagers #socialreformer #myloveforteenagers

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