Leadership101: 10 Mistakes to avoid as a Leader - Royal-Queen

Leadership is a topic that has always been important to me, because good leadership is everything in any society/organisation.
Though i'm more interested in service than the word leadership, this is because, So many leaders get carried away with the title, secondly
it fuels pride and quenches their thirst for 'power which makes them lose sight.

I've always seen 'fit to serve' greater than 'fit to lead'
The difference is that being fit to serve makes you more in line than fit to lead.
We are all growing and for the fact you are a leader does not make you in any way better than anyone.
I'm not a leadership expert but from my observation I've noticed so many disturbing traits in today's leaders especially african leaders

Disturbing Attitudes:
1. Leaders Parading themselves as more intelligent, perfect, matured - with all the 'clue' while telling/showing others they are clueless.
They always fan their ego by reminding you that you need to grow, mature or step up.
2. Leaders not showing any sign of empathy or compassion when people open up to them.
Displayed knowledge is not as effective as love displayed.
Love does not understand physiology,  psychology, sciences, neuroscience, theology or geology but can understand simple actions.
Someone that has never seen civilization will understand an act of love without understanding the depth of your knowledge . Love shown to the unlearned can be felt by them. When you care about someone, the person will see it in your eyes,and your body language.
The part of the body that can not lie is the eyes.
Your lips can blab but your eyes and body language shows how connected you are with people.
I personally will not open up to you if you care-less about my struggles and challenges, most will not trust you if you are not consistent with the way you pay attention and attend to them. Leadership is not about carrying the world's problem on your shoulder but about availing yourself times it matters most. That is what you sign up for in the first place. Leadership is not about showing how powerful and in control you are every time  but about crying with those that cry and also going a step further to help.
3. I'm the only one in charge mentality: Leadership is not about i'm in CHARGE but its all about CHARGING  others. You shouldn't be the centre of the universe. Sometimes discourage people from making you feel exceptional. Try be like everyone else. Treat others with respect. Respect their vision and choices. And arm them with everything that made you the leader you are.
4. Not asking for forgiveness when you go wrong: Most leaders think this is an act of weakness but it's quite the opposite.
A boy told a story of how his CEO father screamed at his friend working in his company, the next day he quietly called the boy into his office and apologised.  He said “when my friend told me my dad apologised i was so proud of my dad and that also made my friend adore my father so much and was ready to do anything for him”
If you think you can’t be in error as a leader? Thats a big fat lie.  If you feel you owe nobody an apology why expect others to ask you for forgiveness when they get it wrong.
Egoistic leaders are those that are too proud and are already seeing themselves as mr/mrs doing it right all the time, or i owe no one explanation. Watch It pride will drive people away from you one by one .

5. Turning people against each other: As a leader you are in no way the leader of people's will and decisions. You can suggest or correct. But frankly i don't know how people do this.
How can someone ask you to be 'careful of someone' or avoid someone without a genuine reason and you accept? Most times they tell you that for selfish reasons. Its either they want to protect their own interest or they are just trying to make the other person look bad.
I will be stupid if I go by hearsays - if you had a rough journey with someone that doesn't mean my journey will be rough with that person.
For me the best approach will be to observe the person much more closely but not avoid or hate them because a leader said so with no tangible reason that is factual.

6.Always finding fault with what someone said: You always find fault with what people said or how they said it. Discrediting people makes people look at you as hard-to-please. And also makes them know you will someday discredit them openly.
Don’t ignore how you respond or react when dealing with people pay more attention.
If you are all about hitting at people it makes you look like an attacker. True leadership accommodates while figuring out best way to build others up.

7. Turning a Blind Eye When you Ought to Mentor: When you show people that values your commendation/ validation that you are not interested in their goals and dreams - how then do you expect them to look at you?
What then shows you are interested in their future, If you can't do the simplest act of encouraging them or standing with/by them through it all.
You shouldn't be a leader that wants others to support and sacrifice their energy and life for the goal you pioneer while you purposefully ignore theirs. It makes you look selfish. They will assume you are a leader that wants them to remain just at a stagnant level because they are beneficial to you that way.
They will feel used and it's a complete turn off.

8. Quick to hush: When people make the mistake of saying the wrong thing, you give it to them hot/hot.
See, you act like this because you don't even care how they feel, secondly you believe they are under you and you are over them. Sorry! They will get tired of the mess one day.

9. Too Power thirty: When you structure your system or organisation in such a way that people cannot have a contrary opinion to what you think and believe. You want everyone to dance to your tone . You want to control people, what they say and how they say it. Who they speak to and why they Talk with them. It shows you are a control freak
Never lead with the intent to make people ‘zombies’ you might succeed with the gullible ones. But the smart ones will rebel!
Everything should not be about you, you and only you. This is one of the reason i feel todays church should not be under an individual but by a group of people that have proper understanding of what God expect. This is because when an organisation is under an individual , personal attitude and weaknesses robs off on everything. You cant even be corrected because you are the boss (Very bad structure) and If care is not taken you will even want to be idolized.

10. Too pompous:  Don't put on the attitude of “I can't be seen doing this” ,  assigning the dirty work to others. You are always in your high horse.
You are a boss not a leader.
Pomposity can never be covered with a smile or a single day act.  It shows in everything you do.
People hear what you ‘do’ louder than what you ‘say’
You can deceive people but smart ones will always see the real you -even undercover.
Be real, be genuine. Be an authentic leader.

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