3 Reasons You Make Mistakes And The Antidotes - RoyalQueen

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Mistakes are errors done in ignorance. It could also be the act of choosing the wrong option.
Mistake is an act not a person, that's is why you must not kill yourself over it.

One of the benefits of watching the years go past in your life is the ability to look back and see your mistakes and how you have grown over time.
If you look back often enough, with a discerning eye and an open heart, you can often self-correct along the way. Or at the very least, you can learn from your mistakes and become a wiser and stronger in other areas of your life.

You probably know from your own life experiences that mistakes are painful but it teaches us life lessons.
However, there are some life mistakes, that if avoided in the first place, will save you a lot of energy.

Most mistakes stem from lack of knowledge and  infrequent self-reflection.

Why we make mistakes

1. Ignorance: This is the opposite of knowledge. The state of being unaware or uninformed.
There are different kinds of ignorance;

-Total ignorance : Here the person involved is absolutely naive about a situation. We have heard that ignorance is not an excuse in law. So the truth about ignorance is that it does not treat anyone fairly, it gives you completely what you asked for, without considering the fact that you would have done better' if you had known better.
For instance; a toddler playing with fire.

-Partial ignorance:Some one that has partial ignorance will never be stable! Just the same way our electrical gadgets can not function well if they are partially connected until they are well fixed. "Partial knowledge" is the reason why kids that are not armed with accurate knowledge will always get it wrong.
For instance; a student that has been told not to be a cultist, or a young girl that has been advised to remain chaste might fail for lack of full understanding why it is important.

- Ignorance by choice: A teacher walks into the class to teach and that became the perfect time for you to go out for fun, or a person that choose to be gullible. Such a person does not seek the truth or want to learn. That's ignorance by choice.

The antidote for ignorance is knowledge. Why do we say knowledge is power? It is because when you are in the know, you have an edge over ignorance and that will help you over come the heartaches that comes with it

It is good to seek for knowledge as the treasure that it is; by being curious, by been attentive, mindful about things that matters
By asking questions, by observation and by personal experience

2. Risk taking: Another reason people make mistake  is the fact that they make decisions without thinking carefully about the outcome. Most believe teens excessively take risk, they believe teenagers are impulsive and their mood swing is high, while this may be true its good we understand why it is so, as that will help us understand them better.
'The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction', critical physical changes are taking place.
The brain of a young teen isn’t just a bigger version of a small kid’s. It isn’t a smaller version of an adult’s, either. As children grow, their brains morph. Some areas mature and build connections. Other areas may disconnect or get trimmed away. Brain areas that process emotions mature very quickly. The prefrontal cortex does not. This leaves the emotion-processing centers on their own for a while.
and researchers are beginning to understand that, despite their adult appearance, teenagers’ brains are not yet fully developed. The development of the prefrontal cortex plays a significant role in maturation. The brain develops in a back to front pattern, and the prefrontal cortex is the last portion of the brain to fully develop. This does not mean that children do not have functional prefrontex cortices. Rather, they do not develop the complex decision-making and planning skills adults have until later in their development. Experience can play a role in the development of the prefrontal cortex, and children exposed to a variety of stimuli and challenges may develop more quickly.
Teens are always advised to stay away from trouble but they often fall into it.
For instance, teens pregnancy, STDs,Drug and alcohol, visiting a man away from home. Etc

The Antidote for risk taking is proper thinking, mentorship
You need to know when your emotion / brain is leading you on…and when your logical brain is saying other wise
The easiest way to know is that the first is usually louder, more tempting than the latter.

b. Mentor-ship: Having a matured and reasonable person that has been through similar situation   guide you , will spare you the headache because that individual has been on that road and understands it better.

3. CARELESSNESS : The third reason mistakes are made is as a result of carelessness.
Most go through life paying little attention to who they are or what they represent. That's why we have people without purpose or direction in life.
When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable
You can embrace bad life style if you don't value or pay close attention

You can dress anyhow, associate and even influenced if you don't pay close attention.
Some people even go through school paying less attention.

Antidote is focus; Focus will help you avoid  pitfalls  associated with carelessness, because without direction, the fire of youth are wasted at best, while at worst, they can become dangerous and a destructive force. To lead a meaningful life means harnessing the fires of youth; but first we must understand the purpose of youth itself. 

NEVER FORGET THIS; To make a mistake is an act not a person! That means you're not your mistake.
Learn From Mistakes and move forward...


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