How to Break Free from Chronic Negative Thoughts

 Question: Hey Royal, I'm 20 and i keep having negative thoughts. I always feel something bad is going to happen every day.
My sister told me that the more i think about it then it will come to pass. I'm scared. I think of death, accident, failure.
My head is full of dirt's help me. What do i do?

RQ Feedback: One of the tools you can use to handle negative internal dialogue is positivity! Our mind does not seem to be quite.
It gets us involved in one interaction or the other. Its either what someone said to us, how they offended us, it could be what we could have done better and sometimes it speaks fear and death. It reminds us, all we can’t do.

Listen dear, if you dont know how to handle it, you might just flow with it, until it drowns you. There are three kinds of thoughts pattern
 1. Trying to figure out people’s actions
 2. Thoughts of you doing something terrible
 3. Limiting, negative internal dialogue

 The human mind thinks about a squillion thoughts every day, and on average about a squillion minus a hundred are negative. That is the very reason why you need to feed your mind right. The renewal of your mind should never stop. The day you stop then It starts playing tricks on you.

 In my new book wisdom undiluted for teenagers i extensively explained how to train the mind please get a copy here. Secondly you need to watch the content you watch.
Some social media platforms are full of crab. You see accident victims posts made in groups and it finds its way into your timeline, without discretion and that can affect your mind. Sometimes you see nudes and even news that keeps you on edge.
 Training of the mind should be your greatest priority.
 Be mindful of what goes into your ears and what you watch. My dear to displace any negative thing you must replace it with a positive thing. So if your thoughts are that of death, buy and watch contents that are filled with life. If your thoughts are that of fear then buy books that are inspirational. The mind is always willing to be fed.
Feed it with the right content. Never forget that its okay and normal to have negative and positive thought but the ability to separate your thoughts from yourself when necessary, is the key to happiness and freedom. Yes. You heard me. You are not your thoughts. Sometimes I just sit and observe my thoughts and I laugh at some nonsensical thoughts that comes. I do that to make light of them, I’ve come to realize that when you make your negative thoughts important they just dominate. Another way to help your self is to try as much as possible to be present at all times. Practice mindfulness. Let me teach you a bit on practicing mindfulness. When your mind is full; Close your eyes and listen to all the sound around you. Try to distinguish the sounds and where they are coming from.
 Name all the things you can see and touch them. Think of 'the now' Not the failures of yesterday or the fears for tomorrow.
 I hope you get a copy of wisdom undiluted for teenagers as it will be a handy guide and will answer some important questions as regards to living.

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